Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Literally by Lucy Keating

Read June 2017

I would like to start my review by saying that this book is written for YA and teens, neither of which I still am lol. As an author myself I know the time and dedication it takes to write a novella- so well done Lucy keating. I was shelf-surfing in Barnes and Noble for a chick-lit book when found, Literally. I was super excited about the concept and thought it would make a great vacation read. Lucy did a good job of showing a young American girl at school and her lingo. The book is about a girl who realises she is just a character in a book and her life is all written for her. It is easy to read and Annabelle is a likable character. I did unfortunately start to skim read through as I found it a bit slow, but this maybe because it's not my normal genre. I liked the inclusion of author Lucy Keating herself into the story, thought she did paint herself as a bit mean- I'm sure that's not the case in real life. It is also set in the town I live Venice and‍ Santa Monica. All in all, it's a cute easy read & a nice looking book for my bookshelf.

 Sum up word: Chickerally  


Star Rating * 3

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